Dominant 7th Voicings
We’ve checked out Major 7th, Minor 7th, now it’s time for some Dominants. These are all based on G dominant 7th. The spelling for the chord is G-B-D-F. Remember, no matter how the letters are organized, it can still be referred to as a G7 chord. Often times on a lead sheet you may a chord listed as G7/B, where they are referencing a specific voicing, but it still functions as a G7 chord.
The chords I have listed also have the bonus of doubling themselves. If you take the lowest note, and raise it to the high E string, you have another way of playing the same chord, without the fuss of moving your hand very much. Effectively you get 8 ways to play one chord for the price of 4.
How well do you know your Major 7th chords? Click This link to find out!
How well do you know your Minor 7th chords? Click here to find out!
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