More Great 6 Note Sequences
Licks You Can Use For Lead Guitar
Do you need more ideas? Sometimes we hit a wall with lead guitar playing. Searching for the best stuff stuff to play can be a tough task! Either we don’t know what to play, we play the same old licks, or we feel uninspired. This is the 2nd article focusing on 6 note sequences. Below you’ll find more examples, as well as video of each example. If you missed part 1, here it is.
To get instant access to the entire intro, with 12 examples, and video, download the E book here, for free!
Example 3 uses the same principles in the previous examples. Down two scale steps (presented in B minor), up one, repeat the pattern. This pattern starts on the 3rd of B minor. This 6 note sequence is especially effective since it emphasizes a scale tone on every downbeat.
Example 4 also emphasizes scale tones on strong beats. Notice that on beat 2, the F# (5th of B minor) is played again, even though it was just previously played in the last sextuplet. This motivic device, of reiterating a scale tone, comes back again and again in future examples to come.
Watch the Video Below For Video Examples of 3 & 4
More descending sextuplets for 5 as well as 6. Number 5 is in E minor, starting on the 3rd. As with previous examples, the 6 note sequences are designed to emphasize chord tones on strong beats.
Starting on the 5th of E minor, we work though another example of sextuplets. Notice the motivic emphasis on beat 4 of B, to maintain the pattern.
Watch the video below for examples of 5 & 6
Thanks again, as always, for watching!